Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Journal Entry #3

Today, I met up with my interviewee Jeanne Grothe. She lost a lot of her memory but I still got some information. It lasted about 15 minutes. Very short but it worked out. She is a primary resource so if you guys want to contact her, you guys can talk to me. On the reading, I learned a lot about the story of the tsunami and earthquake. I learned how hard it was for everyone to take in the fact that the disaster took away people's homes. At the end of everything, 35 boats were sunk, 17 missing, 25 with sever damage, 20 with slight damage, and 2,444,250 worth of supplies destroyed. Later in April 13th, several loan specialists from the Bureau of Commercial Fisheries (BCF) were established in Kodiak's Fish and Wildlife building to grant loans to fisherman for gear and boats. On April 10, supplies kept coming in. In January 1, BCF committed around 800k to Kodiak fisherman and SBA had made loans amounting to 7 million dollars in the Kodiak area. More money kept coming in and eventually, everything was restored.


  1. Thanks for sharing your reflection on the reading, Joong. However, I would hesitate to put someone's phone number on a public blog.

  2. Nice Facts! It really helps me to understand the depth of the damage the tsunami caused.

  3. I agree with RJ, you did a great job with the fact details.

  4. Joong, you did an excellent job focusing on how the reading can support your film topic (urban renewal). You took the best details regarding the damage and rebuilding process, which I'm sure you will end up using, and you also expressed your awe at the whole event. Also, it's great that you reflected both on the reading and on your interview.

    Keep up the good work!
